Take advantage of online booking at Lake Medical Spa! www.vagaro.com/lakemedicalspa Our Fall Event is scheduled for Monday, October 14 at 10am- Friday, October 18th at Noon. Join us for our HUGE IN PERSON EVENT Thursday October 17th, 10am-6pm. Vendors, Food truck, live demonstrations, giveaways and more!!

Skin Sheek Treatment- Osage Beach Office

Skin Sheek Treatment- Osage Beach Office

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The skin sheek device is used to treat many things including deep blackheads, cherry angiomas, warts, fibromas, sebaceous hyperplasia, milia, skin tags, and also age spots. The affected area dries, creating a very small crust that heals and flakes off in 3-12 days. In most cases, there is no visible indication of the previous growth. Clients describe their pain level as a 1- 3 on a scale of 1-10 and liken the sensation to a very quick stinging which dissipates quickly when the probe is lifted.